Sunday, November 16, 2008

Picture Recap: Ecstacy | Venu

My lovely Fab! Photographer Deniece shared these photos of The Nightlife Executives Ecstacy party at Venu last Monday. I was a bit worried I wouldn't make it in as both rooms were packed by 12 a.m. and the bartenders are seriously heavy handed! But as you can see we had a great time!! But what is up with the half nak'd women dancing on stage?... Upscale...classy...and - uh - nak'd? Suspect. We are already outnumbered in the club and then you add other chicks to the mix...I mean dag! Can we get some equal opportunity?...I'm just sayin...

*Side Note: A Fab! Fan (sorry I don't recall your name boo, I couldn't hear!) asked that promoters start bringing parties back to the hood...this is HIS comment...just thought I'd share.

Keep it Fab! ;)

Mad folks...where were you?

Fab! Friend Melissa, BostonFab! and Fab! CFO Erika

Can I get to the bar please?? That's Tito's head :)

Fab! Photographer Deniece and K. Pritty of the Nightlife Execs

The dancers took a break, but no one else did

BostonFab!, Fab! Friend Melissa, Fab! Friend Michelle, Fab! Correspondent Chanelle, Fab! Photographer Deniece

See yourself yet?

BostonFab! and J. Francois of the Nightlife Execs

Yeah you got an A...