I arrived at the S.U.E.D.E. : Fresh event at Ivy (45 Temple Place, Downtown Crossing) super early. I thought that it stared at 10:15 p.m., for the champagne reception when it really started at 10:30 p.m. After the ladies checked me in and I signed the guestbook I they tied some iridescent ribbon around my wrist to indicate that I was VIP - that was...different, economical. While I had a bit of time to wait I stopped at the bar to chat with Harvard/MIT A-List Director Derrick Cordy. He is a super nice guy, but don't let his more reserved demeanour fool you - he can get down on some old skool if you let him! LOL.
The set-up of Ivy is when you first walk in there is a long hallway with the bar to your left and seating on the right. From the downstairs you can see the long clearstairwell to the upper level where there were chairs around the upper dance floor and a small table where the champagne was being served. There is also a very sheik, but not very well ventilated, basement floor with another bar. I really liked how the place is set up and think this spot should be utilized more often.
I got served a vodka tonic by the bar tender, and it tasted like tonic water. When I asked him what the problem was he said that lot of patrons had been complaining about the tonic...uh- then why don't you stop serving it dunderhead - so irritating! I changed up to Riesling after that.
BostonFab! and BostonFab! Correspondent Chanelle
Fortunately they started pouring the champagne around 11, which made more sense since nobody really showed up until then. I think it may have been Preseco rather than Champagne, but hey...whatever, it was bubbly and tasted very good. I had like 2 glasses and the waitress was kind enough to come by and refill when she was near the end of a bottle. So I guess that would make it 2 1/2....;)
DJ Drama provided us with some very chill get-to-know-you kinda music which gave the Harvard crowd an opportunity to mix and mingle with friends they may have not seen since the summer. Me and my gals felt a bit out of place at first, but were welcomed into the fold with warm smiles and candid conversations.The beautiful crowd...
And you Harvard students looked good! Suits, ties, cocktail dresses....I don't think I saw one person in jeans or sneakers. And some of those colognes - sorry y'all I am big on a man that smells good - yummy! So, I was definitely getting my eye full of some candy. The ratio of men to women was good as well, I think it was just about even. Nobody really danced just kinda two-stepped, when a reggae song hit you saw a few people grindin', but most were content to sip on their drinks and mingle. On all of the floors the lights were dim, but not dark, which may have contributed to the lack of dancing. But it didn't seem like many people minded either way.BostonFab! and BostonFab! Photographer Deneice
As the night continued the pace of the music increased slightly, but the Drama stuck to mostly early 2000 hits, with a few more current ones. He didn't do anything on the mike, no shout out or anything. Which was refreshing in a way. My Fab! Photographer even had to go up to him to even find out what his name was! Don't be shy hun! Do you! :)DJ Drama and Boston Fab!
The place got pretty full, but never reached capacity. And by 1:30 most people were calling it a night - hey gotta get an early start on those readings! - the 3rd floor where me and my Fab! Friends staked our claim was empty besides us. At the end of the night the ladies thanked everyone for coming an we all headed home - almost in single file. ;)BostonFab! Photographer Deneice and BostonFab! Correspondent Chanelle
This party was great for the Harvard community to get together and have a good time, but was more of a glorified cocktail party than a get down and get it in type a party. If that's what S.U.E.D.E. was going for then they certainly achieved it. As for me, me and my gals made our own party! Highlights - the champagne reception and the conversations! I give it a B+.