(*Dag that flyer looks familiar...oh yeah...that' s cuz I've seen it before!)
This events feature a champagne reception with a champagne fountain and appetizers at 10pm
FREE for Ladies!! - sounds exciting doesn't it.
- uh read the fine print -
*if you RSVP before June 5 (that's Thursday), show up before 11:30- with your confirmation e-mail, and are one of the first 150 women in...dag...times is hard I guess? What's next - run a guantlet in your stilletos?
Music provided by DJ Gee Spin
To RSVP Ladies, click here!!
*Fab Girl Tip - I had a horrible time here at the V.I.P. Party last month, bad DJ, slooooowwww bartenders, no coat check, so I gotta say, I am a bit skeptical, but this venue has a lot of potential so I'll probably still check 'em out.