Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pic Recap: Divine 9 and Friends | Blarney Stone

Fabulously submitted by
Boston Fab! Correspondent A-Marie

Here's a picture recap from the Blarney Stone (1505 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester) at the WBBP (Whole Bunch of Beautiful People) Greek (and friends) Unity event.

Thanks for the pics Lawrence!!

(Photo: Divine Delta's getting their shine on)

(Photo: Like the pear martini's, hunh? Yeah me too!)

(Photo: Some WBBP (Whole Bunch of Beautiful People!)

(Photo: Pretty boy's always gotta show out...heeeyyyy Manny.)

(Photo: Look at them sexy Zeta's...get 'em ladies!)

(Photo: I see you Era...looking fab! (as always) in your curls)

(Photo: Greeks keepin' it friendly with the local crowd.)

(Photo: I see you Lawrence all distinguished in your chocolate brown!)

Stay Fab! :)