Friday, May 30, 2008

5.31 Ray J and Lloyd's After party | Club Passions

The After-parties for Jam'n 94.5 Summer Jam continue with the Lloyd and Ray J's (I really can't stand that dude!) party at Club Passion (6 Portland St., Providence RI) with DJ Geespin and Deja brought to you by Imondalist Entertainment and Modiva Style

*Fab Girl Tip The Flyer was small and didn't give much information, such as...price for entry or if it is 21+. I am assuming it will be the same a the other spots $20 for ladies and $30 for dudes. I hear this is a fun spot for some Bostonians who want to check out something different, but it is a drive, so please drink responsibly!
Go at your own risk!