Monday, March 10, 2008

Recap: Baileys Presents Jill Scott

Your girl is tired this morning! The doors opened at 9 PM, but Jill Scott didn't show up until 12 and then she didn’t even sing! She just introduced some dude, whose name I can't remember. By that time, I was too through!

Although Jill Scott's performance was a bust (I shoulda paid the $40 for her concert), Bailey’s did a great job of keeping us entertained. The drinks were great and fun! I had a caramel apple martini which was very tasty and packed a punch! (You only need one of those babies!) To add to my enjoyment; it didn’t cost me a thing! They also served passed hors ‘d oeuvres of calamari, mini pizzas and hamburgers and had various snack foods at the bar.

The Beehive (541 Tremont St.) itself was very inviting with exposed brick walls and a cozy atmosphere. This definitely seems like a good lounge place, maybe after work, but I don’t know how I would feel about going to a show there, the stage is teeny tiny and awkwardly placed.

And yes, you know the people were complaining about them not having a coat check. Though they did provide hooks on the walls (What ?!?! Are we in grade school??). In the dark, a Gucci leather jacket can look the same as one from Target so I wouldn’t chance it if your stuff is expensive.

To add to the ambiance of the place, the beautiful people showed out y’all! I haven’t seen that many fine brotha’s in one place in a while…My neck is still sore from whiplash...the ladies looked good too. :)

So in the end although there was no Jilly from Philly it ended up being a great evening to mix and mingle amongst the beautiful people - nice.

Check back for this week's picks!

Stay Fab :)!